Daniel Dargis, engineer project manager, and his team of engineering consultants, help self-builders, entrepreneurs and investors in the management of their construction projects. Whether it is for a simple expansion renovation project, the construction of a new house or even for large-scale multi-unit projects or several condos, if you are one of those who need an impartial expert, an engineer and project manager with over 35 years of experience to give you advice, manage your construction sites and inspect your building's compliance, then Daniel Dargis, engineer project manager, and his team can help you. Project management begins with good planning of the project, even before drawing plans or selecting a building contractor. Daniel Dargis, engineer project manager, has produced an introductory video on YouTube that you will find by searching for: "Gestion de projet Daniel Dargis ingénieur". We help both individuals and construction contractors who need an engineer project manager to take care of their construction sites and to verify the conformity of their buildings.
Here are two of our websites as construction experts: INGENIEURSTRUCTUREBATIMENT.COM et EXPERTDUBATIMENT.COM that explain in more detail the services that our group offers, both in engineering and construction site management, with experienced and impartial engineers.
Here is a presentation of some impartial services related to "Project Management" and the territory covered by the Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. Group: NEWSLETTER APCHQ ENGINEER PROJECT MANAGER in Montreal and surroundings.
You can count on our professionals and construction site management.

Project management is done more inside of the office and deals mainly with aspects of costs, budgets, time schedules, laws and norms, as well as with administrative matters, while the management of construction sites is done mainly in the trailer on the building site and concerns plans, specifications, quality of materials, coordination of subcontractors, contractor and works, delivery and inspection of materials, manpower management, license control, permits and workers' skill cards and all aspects that must be taken into consideration for a smooth running of the construction site. The engineer project manager kind of oversees the construction site manager and the 2 of them work together to make the operations work smoothly.
Daniel Dargis is not only an impartial engineer project manager but also a CCQ journeyman carpenter and general contractor since 1989. With his vast experience, both in in-office project management and outside on the construction sites, he is the engineer project manager you need for the management and the smooth running of the operations of your construction project. This not only includes the cost-control side and the budget aspect but also the realities of the construction site and all that this implies for the workers and the contractor. He is therefore the ideal engineer project manager to act as a consultant and expert advisor in the management of renovation and construction project operations in Québec. Daniel Dargis, engineer project manager, has produced an information video as a 2-hour basic course on the realities of building in Québec on YouTube. He has done this to help self-builders in the preparation process for the management of their building project. You can view this video by connecting to YouTube in French only: "101 Construction Course Daniel Dargis".
So, it is very important to choose an engineer project manager who does not limit himself to only working in the home office but who is also someone who understands the technical aspects of the construction process and who occasionally visits the building sites; an expert engineer project manager who knows how to recognize the deficiencies and address the problems of the building process the proper way. Daniel Dargis is the ideal impartial and trustworthy engineer project manager for this office and field work, with more than 40 years of experience.

It is important that the expert engineer project manager who oversees the project and the construction work sites is impartial. Whether the expert engineer project manager is an individual self-builder, a building contractor or an investor, he wants the work to be done the right way. By his code of ethics the expert engineer project manager is required to be impartial and to inform his clients in an objective and clear manner. In this way the client feels confident and the contractor performing the work sees the expert engineer project manager as a collaborator and not as a supervisor looking for deficiencies. This helps a lot in the harmonious realization of the project according to the rules of the art.
The impartiality of the expert engineer project manager is essential to prevent and resolve potential conflicts. There are all kinds of situations and unforeseen events that can occur during the development of a construction site. It is important to respond to these situations in a balanced and pro-active way and with a cool head. For this reason it is important for the client to have an expert engineer project manager as a consultant to rely on, so that he is not the only one dealing with the building contractor. The expert engineer project manager therefore acts as an informant and mediator to better understand the problematic situations during the construction process and thus to make better decisions. There are situations of delay in the time schedule, for instance, which depend on the climate and bad weather conditions that are not controlled by the building contractor. On the other hand, he must have measures of protection of the materials to envisage. So, it is important that the expert engineer project manager informs the client well to make the difference.
The impartial expert engineer project manager therefore not only manages the project but also plays the role of consultant, advisor and mediator in the progress of the work.

One of the most popular software programmes for project time schedules is MS Projects. Daniel Dargis, expert engineer project manager, has specialized himself during 45 hours on this software to develop professional progress reports and project schedules. This software is widely used by expert engineer project managers and this mainly for large-scale construction of multi-units, condos or infrastructure. MS Project "Microsoft Project" is a software programme made for project leaders and planners not only to steer projects, control deadlines, time schedules and resources of workers, but also to control budget costs and present information in an orderly way. The cost of this software programme is easily absorbed and justified for large projects and for when it makes operations more efficient, by making better decisions and thereby saving on construction costs. But it is mostly a software programme helping to work within and respect time schedules.
When it comes to envisaging a project it is wise to use specialized construction software that respects construction codes and standards. Before choosing an estimation software programme it is best to consult construction professionals who have already experience with this software programme. One of the most popular software programmes in Quebec for estimating construction projects is: "Go-Estimations" which can be found on the APCHQ website, the Québec Provincial Building Construction Association. Moreover, it is a software programme developed by the accounting software firm "ACOMBA".
Probably the most accessible, affordable and indispensable software programme is Excel, of the Office series. Almost everyone knows Excel. It is the basic tool and it allows you to create cost lists and follow up on operations. It still requires the intervention of a construction expert though to keep construction cost items in mind. Daniel Dargis, expert engineer project manager, takes the time to advise and assist his clients in the programming of their Excel breakdown sheet.

There are different methods of remuneration for an expert engineer project manager. It all depends on the experience, the size of the project, the responsibilities, the location of the construction project site, the time to be given to the project and the contributions to facilitate the project, such as: a network of contacts, contractor licenses, equipment, management software and others. It is certain that hiring a person as supervisor a few hours a week to visit a house enlargement site and give some advice on occasion is not the same as hiring an expert engineer project manager as a consultant or full-time as an expert auditor, to manage the construction operations of a 100-units condominium building and collaborate by providing the network of contacts of trusted contractors and the contractor license.
So, the expert engineer project manager can get paid:
- An annual salary regardless of the number of hours worked;
- A commission according to the cost of the project. Then, he receives instalment payments progressively depending on the % of the bills to be paid;
- At an hourly rate for each of his interventions on construction sites or at the office.
Mr. Daniel Dargis, expert engineer project manager, general contractor and journeyman carpenter, has his own engineering and construction consultant office in Montreal and he also holds all RBQ contractor licenses to carry out any renovation or new construction work, be it residential, commercial or industrial.

Availability is an essential factor in project and construction site management. In the heat of the moment there is no time for bureaucracy. It is often necessary to know how to improvise or adapt to the climate and be ready to act and be available as soon as the events occur. During concrete pouring, for instance, or when there are supply problems, it is necessary to react quickly, otherwise it can cause serious damage to the structural integrity of the building's foundation. So, the expert engineer project manager must be able to make the decisions to find a new supplier in a few minutes' time, or to provide reinforcement systems to extend the casting and concrete pouring thereafter. This requires good contacts and expert engineer project manager knowledge in construction. The expert engineer project manager often has no time to send e-mails and wait for permissions. So, we now understand better that the project and construction site manager must have not only the knowledge and the contacts but also the authority to make decisions.
Since 1989 Mr. Daniel Dargis, expert engineer project manager and general contractor, has the effective solutions for managing your construction and renovation projects. As an expert engineer project manager he often works on emergency projects and he knows how to adapt quickly to construction site visits at the last minute.

Good project management does not only depend on the expert engineer project manager's experience, because an experienced person can often repeat the same mistakes during the course of his career. A good expert engineer project manager will have among his assets many versatile talents.
Among the assets or talents of a good expert engineer project manager one can find:
- A pro-active management philosophy to find solutions to problems and not just to listing deficiencies;
- A positive attitude towards problems during the work;
- Talent in communications to simplify complicated technical situations and to inform to express his ideas;
- Good technical experience of construction sites on how to do things and knowledge of the rules of the art;
- Excellent knowledge of construction laws and standards and able to inform in a clear and concise manner;
- A network of contacts to urgently and efficiently troubleshoot, if necessary, during the execution of the works.
Mr. Daniel Dargis, building engineer since 1989, through his extensive knowledge, as much in office administration as on building sites and on laws of construction in Québec, his communication skills, his speed of response to problems and his pro-active attitude, is the expert engineer project manager par excellence for project and site management in Montreal and surrounding areas.

Even before starting the management of a construction or renovation project it is necessary to establish the budget and operating costs in a realistic way. This is called preliminary management which consists of calling upon an impartial expert engineer project manager to study plans and specifications before even starting to ask contractors for prices. It is necessary to produce a transparent breakdown of the construction costs and not to forget anything. All too often self-builder or investor clients are seduced by the promises of entrepreneurs who voluntarily or involuntarily make a price too low and have the client sign incomplete contracts allowing for a lot of extras afterwards. So, it is essential, even before starting, to have an expert engineer project manager with whom to check all points of the project. Like:
- Plans before submitting them to the permit application;
- The disaggregated list of all construction costs;
- Verification of the contract with the contractor;
- The selection of the contractor.
All this makes it possible to be on the safe side regarding the respect of costs, the time schedules and the smooth operation of the works. Good management always begins with good planning and a clear vision of all stages of construction. As much with the direct costs (demolition, excavation, carpentry, electricity, plumbing, finishing ...) as for the indirect costs (financing costs, licenses and permits, the contingency, profits...). This allows to finally arrive at the exact price per square foot. Such a grid of disaggregated costs is done on Excel.
Daniel Dargis, expert engineer project manager, advises self-builders and investors to help them develop their project cost schedules. Daniel Dargis, being a rigorous expert engineer project manager, and through his sense of ethics and his experience in the field of construction, is the person of confidence that you need for the management of your projects and building sites.
Do not hesitate to contact us!