Home inspection can help you to detect anomalies in a building before the sale, the purchase or during construction. In Quebec, there are no regulations regarding the inspectors, unlike British Columbia where you need a license to practice home inspection. Be careful to whom you are talking because in practice anyone can overnight call him/herself a building inspector. There are some associations of home inspection in Quebec of which the two major ones are the AIBQ and the ANIEB, both recognized by the OACIQ, the Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (the self-regulatory organization of the Quebec Real-Estate Brokerage).
A building inspection done by experts such as engineers and general contractors is a good option. Construction Daniel Dargis Inc., headed by Mr. Daniel Dargis, Engineer and general contractor, offers the building inspection service. Our website EXPERTSINBUILDINGS.COM explains in more detail the resources that we have at our disposal to not only do the inspection of buildings but also to do the plans, the calculations and the appropriate corrections in construction, renovation and engineering.
A pre-purchase home inspection provides better insight into the state of the building to buy. It shows a certain degree of transparency and honesty on the part of the seller, helps avoid recourse for hidden defects and brings peace of mind to the new owners. It allows to identify irregularities and plan repairs. If there are repairs to be made, then the buyer and the seller may agree at the outset before buying.
Construction Daniel Dargis Inc., as a contractor, recommends that owners and business people in real estate hire a home inspection professional who is a member of a recognized association such as the AIBQ – the Association of Building Inspectors of Quebec or the ANIEB, the National Association of Home Inspectors and Building Experts. These organizations have standards of excellence and it is necessary to pass exams in order to be a member. They have developed standards for the practice of the profession in order to protect the public.
Construction Daniel Dargis Inc., headed by Mr. Daniel Dargis, Engineer, includes many professionals and can refer you to the one you need for your project: an architect, an engineer, an inspector, or a general and specialized contractor.

Although it is recommended to hire someone for a home inspection before a real-estate transaction or during the renovation or construction, these people are not infallible. Their home inspections are generally mainly visual and have limitations and although they are professional, competent and conscientious, there are some things they are not required to do in order to complete a home inspection. For those of you who wish to know more about this topic, the AIBQ guide explains in detail the standard practice: http://www.aibq.qc.ca/en/images/PDF/NP.pdf
Verifications done by home inspection:
- Structure;
- Exterior;
- Roofing;
- Plumbing;
- Electricity;
- Heating;
- Air conditioning and heat pump;
- Interior;
- Plumbing;
- Insulation;
- Ventilation;
- Safety of people.
A home inspection implies only internal and external visual inspection. It is not a guarantee against hidden defects. The inspector can not see what’s under the floors, behind the walls, in the drains or in the chimney shafts. He must therefore inform the client about his inspection limits. If there is any indication of problems, he may recommend to have further analysis performed.
Some home inspection professionals offer more complete reports than others using more sophisticated equipment such as thermographs to detect energy waste, water tests, removal of vermiculite in the attic or pipeline inspection using an optical camera, for example, for the drain.
During a home inspection, the seller is liable for hidden defects, but the inspector is responsible for apparent defects that he has not detected. If, for example, a roof considered to be in good shape during the home inspection begins to leak one year after the purchase of the house, the buyer may have recourse to the Small Claims Court against the inspector. It is therefore good to find an inspector who has insurance against errors and omissions.
When you contact a home inspector you will now be better informed about the different services he can offer and the scope of his field of action.

Home inspection is not only useful for existing buildings. Some customers or financial institutions will mandate an inspector during the construction of a new house to check on the progress of the works in stages determined in advance, and during construction to ensure that the construction contract is well respected. Progressive disbursements will be paid to the contractor at each of these stages.
In general there will be four visits to the works of:
- Formwork;
- Roofing and exterior walls;
- The insulation;
- The drywall or jointing.
Construction Daniel Dargis Inc., with its standard quality construction, encourages customers to call upon home inspection to give them peace of mind. Our goal is customer satisfaction, transparency and that your project respects: your taste, your budget, the quality and the time-schedule.
Do not hesitate to contact us!