Home General Contractor RBQ APCHQ in Montreal for new house construction GCR

The construction of a house is one of the most important investments that you will make during your life. Your house is your living environment, the place where you rest, get together and often work. You want to entrust your project of house construction to a general contractor who will be able to do it with quality, bringing practical solutions to build at lower costs while respecting your creditors. Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. takes care of your project.
Our websites NEWHOUSECONSTRUCTION.CA and DANIELDARGIS.COM explains the services that we offer for the construction of: a one-family home, a townhouse, a condo building and revenue-producing dwellings. Whether you are an individual who wants a custom home or business people and investors seeking to build income-generating units or for resale, Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. takes care of the project from the search for land, through the mounting of the project, the design of the plans, the estimate, the composition of the file to request financing, and the turnkey construction. We also help self-builders in giving them advice and in overseeing the works.
Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. and its group of experienced RBQ-licensed contractors take care of the turn-key project of your house construction or only of the assembly of the house wooden frame according to your needs. Our group has taken part in the project of more than one hundred houses in the region of Trois-Rivières, Montreal and even in Calgary in Alberta.
Contemporary modern house construction
The construction of houses of contemporary modern style is increasingly popular in Quebec. Our team of technologists, model-makers and architects deals with creating with you your model of a dream house while respecting your budget. It is easy to consult any architect to obtain a pretty model of a house. However, it is wiser to consult simultaneously a contractor in new house construction who will guide the architect in order to employ materials and design more apt to respect your budget. Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. can introduce experienced technologists and architects to you who will do the design of plans of your house respecting your construction budget.
In the construction of a contemporary house one often finds flat roofs with balconies and terraces, large windows, purified lines, lounge-style living rooms, lighting contrasts on the walls, walls covered with plants or irrigated by water, straight and square-line design, and the use of natural materials or these being in their original state such as: plants, concrete, wood, blocks of cement.
It is necessary to be clever to know how to proportion all these elements well in a house in order not to overload the design and to respect the budget of a house construction. Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. and its teams are conscious of that and accompany you during the entire process of design and house construction.
Bi-generational house construction
Whether it is because of:
- a desire to live as a family;
- the scarcity of land to build a house;
- the advantage of building a more luxurious house by sharing the costs;
- or for other reasons.

More and more people choose a house which will enable them to lodge their parents while preserving their intimacy and autonomy. This style of house is often called bi-generational or inter-generational. Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. meets you, determines your needs with you, seeks with you a suitable plot of land and directs the turn-key house construction.
Victorian-style houses or others
Quebec province abounds in varied styles and models of houses. Whatever the model of house that you wish to build, call upon Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. and its teams for quality house construction.
Do not hesitate to contact us!