Canada is a vast country! After Russia it is the 2nd largest country in the world as far as its geographical territory is concerned. We can imagine then that foreigners, who consider immigrating to Canada, may have a problem choosing where to establish themselves. But the reality is different however. Honestly, even you and I, when we think of Canada, what are the provinces, territories or cities that most come to mind? Nunavut, the Yukon, Newfoundland or Manitoba? Of course not. With all due respect for these territories and provinces, but the natural inclination of the immigrant or real-estate investor who considers immigrating to Canada is to think of Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, or of course Quebec, to establish himself. These investors or immigrants are thinking of settling in a sufficiently populated area to have a good quality of life, many services at their disposal and to be able to invest in places where their endeavours will quickly give a good ROI. So, in general they think more specifically of big cities, such as Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal. Daniel Dargis, an engineer, is very familiar with Montreal and Calgary where he has worked for several years in construction and project management and on building site management. To better address your topic of interest, i.e. "Invest in Canada in Real Estate" here are two videos on YouTube that analyze and illustrate real-estate investment opportunities in Canada. You will find them by looking for "Invest in Canada - Daniel Dargis Eng.":
- Overview of construction techniques in Canada;
- Overview of real-estate investment opportunities in Montreal.
Canada has vast territories containing land at low prices and it is endowed with great natural resources. Its reliable political stability and stable growth of real-estate assets are great advantages for not only investing in real-estate but especially for living there. Once one has been in Canada one wants to stay there. Investing and making money is all right of course but at what price? At the price of stress, corruption, uncertainties of life? No. Everyone wants to provide the best for their family and have a good quality of life. The savvy and wise investor thinks beyond financial benefits. However, to embark on such an adventure of moving to another country, you must of course first go through all the requirements of the immigration process. Secondly, it is always better to have a trusted person in Canada to guide and inform us impartially about all aspects of life, culture and especially real-estate investment. Daniel Dargis, an impartial real-estate investment consultant, is an excellent guide for real-estate investors in Canada. He is not an immigration officer, he does not answer questions about investment laws related to immigration. He does not deal with any subject related to immigration procedures in Canada. His work consists mainly in:
- INFORMING his clients about the environment BEFORE they start thinking about travelling to visit or settle in Canada. This is normally done first, remotely by Video Conferencing sessions through Skype or Facebook Messenger. Having been an engineer and general contractor in Canada since 1989, he informs his clients in a general way on several aspects: The building code and construction standards, working conditions, laws and standards in the construction sector, construction costs and time schedules. He refers his clients to legal specialists and government agencies in the construction sector;
- Once his clients are better informed, he LETS them then complete their admission requirements to Canada and advises them to consult an authorized agent if necessary;
- ORGANIZING the trip to Canada to accompany the investor on his visits of real-estate projects, meetings and study of costs and feasibility of projects. Whether it is for building or renovation of houses or condo buildings, commercial buildings to buy and transform or for the purchase of land for real-estate development with sales strategies;
- PROVIDING all the necessary tools to develop projects: contacts with trusted entrepreneurs, business information, study of travel management services in Canada to support investors in their visits to real-estate projects, meetings and project feasibility study.
These incremental stages of free and impartial accompaniment or coaching facilitate the proper planning of a real-estate investment business plan in Canada. Several coaching services as a guide to invest in Canada in real estate are featured on Facebook Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. You will find there several excellent reviews of real-estate investor clients in Montreal, in the Province of Quebec and in Canada.
Whether you are an investor from another province in Canada looking for advice and resources to develop a project in Quebec, or a foreign investor who wants to be well informed before conducting research or analyzing an investment opportunity, Daniel Dargis Eng. and his team inform you in an impartial way on many aspects. He is your real-estate guide for Canada overall but especially for the Province of Quebec. He is a native of Montreal, has extensive experience in construction and renovation projects in Quebec and as a project manager in Alberta, in Calgary and Fort McMurray more in particular. Daniel Dargis Eng. has worked as a structural inspection engineer and as a general contractor since 1989. He is also a member of the APCHQ, the Quebec Provincial Association of Housing Contractors, where he has acquired a strong reputation.
An investor always greatly enjoys being assisted and accompanied in his decision-making by an unbiased expert. He also appreciates to have with him a guide and real-estate expert on his travels and meetings to explore investment opportunities. This is what Daniel Dargis Eng. offers as a guide and investment advisor to help his client investors discover Quebec and Canada.
Daniel Dargis Eng. has extensive expertise as a construction consultant in Canada. He knows how to disseminate information in a simple and clear way and refer his clients to the right specialists if necessary. I.e.: construction and immigration lawyers, notaries, testing laboratories of building materials, local contractors' associations or others. Here are some websites and links that provide a brief overview of his real-estate consulting services:
- Senior LinkedIn Manager of the France Quebec Immigration and Business Group;
- Senior LinkedIn Manager of the India Canada Business & Immigration Group;
- Senior LinkedIn Manager of the Invest in Canada Group;
- Tour guide, advice and business development services in Quebec in the construction and real-estate sector;
- Impartial engineer in building structure;
- Building Engineering and Project Management in Montreal ExpertduBatiment;
- Business trip to Quebec, exploration and observation tour, training and internships for students, business people and investors;
- Construction of new residential projects in Quebec;
- General contractor RBQ since 1989 and member of APCHQ Construction Daniel Dargis Inc.
These incremental stages of free and impartial accompaniment facilitate the proper planning of a real-estate investment business plan in Canada. Several coaching services as a guide to investing in Canada in real estate are featured on Facebook Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. Facebook Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. You will find there many excellent reviews of real-estate investor clients in Montreal, in the Province of Quebec and in Canada overall.
For Daniel Dargis, engineer, coaching for construction, the development of projects and real-estate investments in Quebec and in Canada have no secrets. It's a real passion for him! He also completed training as a real-estate agent in Trois-Rivières in the Province of Quebec more than 30 years ago and recently also a training programme at the famous Club of Real-Estate Investors of Quebec/the Club d'Investisseurs Immobiliers du Québec All of this makes Daniel Dargis Eng. an impartial guide and expert in real-estate investment in Canada!

Of all the countries in the world, Canada may not offer the best return on investment (ROI) in real estate, but it is still the best choice for living and investing there in the long term. One does not come to Canada just to make money in the short term. For that, there are other countries like India, China, Dubai, or others which sometimes experience, in the short term, a meteoric rise in real-estate values for land and buildings. Strangely enough, many successful real-estate investors in their countries decide to come to Canada to settle here. These foreign investors are successful in real estate in their countries but still decide to move to Canada or diversify their investments by buying land and buildings in Canada. Why? Well, they want to invest in Canada, because of its:
- Political and economic stability and excellent quality of life with security and freedom of expression;
- Steady increase in investments in real estate in a stable manner over the years;
- Great diversity and land and buildings at good prices;
- Excellent universities that offer a good education and future to the children;
- Canadian passport's excellent reputation for travelling freely around the world and enter many countries without problems.
For all these reasons Canada is so attractive to invest and live in. On the other hand, Canada is very selective, there are many laws and regulations to be respected and it is better to be well accompanied by a person who knows the country well. But, to better answer the question WHY to come to Canada, you first need to know yourself better, you must better inform yourself about Canada and develop your business plan together with us according to your investment budgets, your interests and goals. Only in this way will it be possible to determine WHY and HOW to invest in Canada in real estate in your specific case. Canada is in constant evolution as far as its social and real-estate development are concerned. There are many ongoing projects, regions and real-estate developers to discover across the country. Therefore, a guide is essential and this in itself already represents an excellent investment.
Gradually, by being better informed about Canada, its rules, its laws and its investment opportunities, you will answer the question "WHY" come to Canada yourself. Do not listen too much to people or organizations that are trying to persuade you to come to Canada by praising the virtues of the country. Perhaps in the end Canada may not be for you. Coming to invest in Canada in real estate is an important decision to make and it is recommended to thoroughly analyze this project with an impartial expert and not with an agent trying to sell you his services and obtain commissions of all kinds from you. Moreover, it is not enough to only succeed in coming to Canada. Above all, you need to be able to accomplish your business and life plan afterwards. Many immigrants have been without a job for a long time or have not found business opportunities just because they did not prepare well enough before they arrived. An impartial advisor will help you minimize the risk of wasting your time and money. Here are some other sources of information for real-estate investments in Canada:
- International Real-Estate Exhibition in Montreal;
- Montreal National Home Show;
- ExpoHabitation;
- SIDIM – Montreal Design Show;
- Expo Habitat Quebec.

It has been years now that Canada is among the world's number one nations for quality of life, wages and real-estate investments. That is still true today. But to the question as to "WHEN" to invest in Canada in real estate, it is necessary to add "WHERE" exactly to invest in Canada in real estate. To the question "WHERE" one must specify one's "GOALS" in life and investment. That's why it is good to have an impartial real-estate expert advisor in Canada. As we have already said, Canada is vast and the concentration of residents is mainly around large cities such as Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal and many others. However, there are also a number of reasons why people choose to live, work, or do business in more remote areas, such as Fort McMurray, Labrador, northern Manitoba, or even Nunavut. That's why it is so important to develop a business plan. Daniel Dargis, engineer and impartial consultant in real-estate investment, assists his client investors and goes through a "CHECKLIST" in order to:
- First, better know the profile, experience and needs of his investors;
- Define the goals and the investment business plan;
- Better target information in relation to objectives;
- Accompany investors in a relevant way in the realization of their projects.
So, to answer the question "WHEN to come to Canada?" it is necessary to get to know you better, to inform you and to develop a business and investment plan with you.

Every province or city in Canada has its own particularities and attraction. But in general, everywhere in Canada we enjoy the hospitality and generosity of Canadians. Although there are immigrants of all nationalities in every city in Canada, some ethnic groups are more concentrated in particular cities, such as the Chinese in Vancouver and Toronto; also, in Toronto more people from India are living there whereas in Montreal there is a higher concentration of French or francophone people living there. Montreal, on the other hand, is the world's largest cultural-diversity city. There are so many immigrants in Montreal that old-stock Quebecers are in the minority with more than 60% of immigrants of 1st-2nd generation and only 40% of Canadians over 3 generations. So, to answer the question of WHERE to invest in Canada in real estate, it is also necessary to answer indirectly in general the question as to WHERE you want to live, in which city? To really be able to answer this question, as we have seen before, it is necessary to know YOU better and for you to know Canada better.
The ideal solution would be to come for some time to Canada as a tourist, just for a few days to better see and observe. Why not organize a simple tourist trip for a few days in the company of a person on site who guides you and who knows the real-estate business well? There is nothing better than to see for yourself. A small plane trip to major cities like Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver will make you aware of the ideal place for you. If you have time, though, to drive across Canada that would be even better. However, prepare yourself for several days of driving. From Montreal to Vancouver there is more than 4500 km of distance to bridge. So many things to see, to discover and especially people to meet! Canadians are very hospitable you know! You will make many friends wherever you will go.

The first thing to do after receiving a minimum of information about Canada is to take action and visit the country yourself. There is no point in procrastinating and asking endless questions. You must come! There is nothing better than to see for yourself. Even an impartial consultant expert cannot know you for a 100% just after a few hours of conversation. So, in a simple way to the question as to HOW to invest in Canada in real estate, you must:
- get to know yourself better;
- better inform yourself and know the laws of Canada;
- develop an investment business plan;
- come as a tourist to see;
- make a decision.
That's HOW to invest in Canada in real estate in a wise, prudent, thoughtful and unbiased way.

My father, who was a wise man, often told me: "Take notes, write, write, write". Likewise I tell you to do the same thing: "Put your goals on paper." It will be easier to organize your ideas progressively and to achieve your projects. This will also serve you as a business plan. It is certainly good to ask for and accumulate information about Canada and make contacts, but for what purpose? Start by analyzing yourself by beginning to put all of the following into writing it down very simply and in the most detailed manner possible:
- your experience and company profiles in your country;
- your financial assets;
- your short and long-term goals: financial, family and life in general;
- your trustworthy contacts and resources in Canada;
- your realistic game plan for a first sightseeing tour in Canada;
- and finally, your business plan to invest and settle there.
Once these goals are clearly defined, in an honest manner, review them with an impartial advisor, preferably an impartial and trustworthy Canadian with business experience.

Every province in Canada has its own laws in the construction sector. The laws in Quebec are very different from the other provinces of Canada. You must first know them before starting without beginning a buying process; especially if the purchase involves renovation or construction work. These laws have a great influence on the project budget. So, real-estate investment opportunities are depending on the laws and regulations of the construction sector that is unique to each province of Canada. Daniel Dargis, impartial engineer and advisor helps us to discover them briefly. Take, for instance, Quebec, which has several cities. Each city has its own permit office and each has its own urbanization regulations. Investment opportunities in real estate are very varied in Quebec. Within a radius of 500 km in the St. Lawrence River Valley the four most important cities for doing business are located, they are Montreal, Laval, Quebec City and Trois-Rivières. On the outskirts of these cities, just a few kilometres away, there are several affordable lots of land and houses available.
Still speaking of laws, in Quebec there are two major aspects to consider before investing in real estate when it comes to carry out work; whether it is minor work of partial demolition, expansion or even completely new work. These two major aspects are: the labour law in the field of construction (for workers in the construction sector) and the laws relating to the use of RBQ licenses of specialized or general contractors.. The organization to contact in connection with the labour law is the Quebec Construction Commission - CCQ and for RBQ contractor licenses, the organization is the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec - RBQ.
Specific for Quebec but not for Canada, these two organizations are under the control of the provincial government of Quebec and not of the Government of Canada. Another matter to consider is obtaining building permits. In Canada, the granting of renovation or construction permits is done by the municipal permit office through urbanization rules of the municipality in question. In the case of Montreal, the city is divided into 19 boroughs and each borough has its own office of building permits. It is the municipality (or borough in the case of Montreal) that is at the pinnacle of the decision-making pyramid. It is the municipality that authorizes the TYPE of building that can be built or renovated, HOW, WHERE and by WHOM (subject to respecting the labour law with the CCQ). So, before investing in real estate in any city in Quebec with the intention of doing further work, the first thing to do is to contact in this order, the:
- • Borough license office. To know the TYPE of construction or renovation authorized, HOW (under which Building Code), WHERE, by WHOM (workers and/or contractors) and with the help of WHICH professionals (architect, engineer ...);
- CCQ - Commission de la Construction du Québec. To know WHO has the right to work, to do WHAT and WHERE;
- RBQ - Régie du Bâtiment du Québec. To know WHO has the right to build or renovate, HOW, WHAT and WHERE.
This only concerns Quebec and not the other provinces of Canada. Elsewhere in Canada it is important to contact the municipal licensing office simply to inform them of the procedure to follow.
Let's talk now a bit about labour and work permits in construction. Once again, it is a matter of provincial jurisdiction and not subject to federal law. Quebec has many more regulations and restrictions on labour laws. We cannot hire who we want to do any kind of work. To know how to work or hire workers in the construction sector in Quebec it is necessary to contact the RBQ and the CCQ.
Let's now talk a bit about building licenses as an RBQ contractor. In Quebec, before undertaking any type of construction or renovation work, it is ALWAYS preferable to contact the Régie du bâtiment du Québec- the RBQ, to find out the type of license required. There are several types of construction and category licenses, such as for general contractors, specialized contractors or self-builders. Being well informed will save you a lot of complications, fines and contribute to the profitability of your project. In other provinces there are other associations.
Now you realize how important it is to be informed in an impartial way before investing in real estate in Canada. Daniel Dargis, engineer, impartial advisor, general contractor RBQ since 1989 and native of Montreal informs you on all points before investing in real estate as a specialist in Quebec.

Looking for and offering real-estate investment opportunities is one thing and detecting the right business opportunity is another. Daniel Dargis Eng. is not a real-estate agent looking for and offering you investment opportunities in order to get a commission. Although he has training as a real-estate agent, he is primarily an engineer and acts with impartiality and neutrality. His goal is not to make the maximum sale but to inform you as an impartial expert in construction. This is of utmost importance for real-estate investors! He proposes some specific steps to impartially and beneficially assist investors in their search for land, condos, houses, commercial or industrial properties, in the Province of Quebec. These steps are:
- Meeting with the client investor to listen to his goals, to inform him generally about the regions and cities of Quebec and the laws of construction and give him contacts and leads to guide his research;
- Visiting the properties and buildings that the investor himself has found or with the help of his real-estate agent;
- Analyzing the information on each property, such as: the condition of the building, the repair work to be done in the short or long term, the possible delays to obtain the permit and do the work, refer to the needs of the contractors if necessary, produce a connection with an investment strategy;
- Facilitating the realization of the project with the mounting of the project including: sketches, plans, study of costs, feasibility, marketing study;
- Direction and project management.
In this way the investment feasibility analysis of the project is done in an unbiased way. This impartial investment study gains credibility with the addition of the experience, knowledge and contact network of Daniel Dargis Eng. The real-estate investor therefore retains a total freedom based on the expertise of impartial experience and trust. Daniel Dargis, engineer, can not only inform the client but also help him to realize his turnkey project. All the tools are there at the disposal of the investor and at his own pace.

Coming to Canada on an exploratory trip, just for a few days or weeks, to inform oneself in order to visit, get information and find investment opportunities is not so easy. It is best to prepare your business trip well with the help of an expert on site. This is for the purpose of travelling to Quebec, Ontario, Alberta or any other province with at least one contact list at hand. It is with this perspective that Daniel Dargis Eng. offers video conferencing consulting services. This way his investor clients from anywhere have access to clear, impartial and timely information. These interviews are usually done through simple tools like Skype or Facebook Messenger. The office of Mr. Daniel Dargis, engineer and president of Construction Daniel Dargis Inc. is based in metropolitan Montreal in the Province of Quebec. The central location of Montreal makes it possible to quickly reach the majority of the cities of Quebec. Montreal International Airport is only minutes from the office. A wide range of support and information services is offered there, such as:
- Video conference information meetings;
- Organization of the investment trip to Quebec, Ontario and the rest of Canada with appointments, hotels, inns, tours and programmes of visits and meetings.
It's simple, easy, affordable, impartial and accessible. You will understand better now that to answer your questions about Canada, on WHERE, WHEN, HOW and WHY to invest in Canada in real estate, it is necessary:
- To know you better and to inform you about Canada; and to
- Establish a strategy and a business plan.
Do not hesitate to contact us!